Couple items on the agenda today in the gym that needed the groups collaborative interpretation and solutions to.
When going to the bathroom it is a given that you wash your hands before returning to whatever you had been doing. It's sanitary, thoughtful of others, and habit.
BUT, how many people wash their hands BEFORE going to the bathroom? I mean you are greeting people and touching things around what we KNOW to be an unsanitary gym and THEN you TOUCH YOURSELF? hmmmm...well that thought kept crossing my mind every time I had to go to the head this morning. Let's just say, my hands are CLEAN!!!
Second point that needed considering..."WHAT would you do NEXT if you won a big jackpot of a lottery?"
Let's say five minutes from now you are $41 million dollars richer, what is the NEXT thing for you to do?
My answer was simple. I'm taking a nap in my hammock and THEN I'm getting someone to clean the inside of my windshield in my G.I.L.F.mobile. No, I don't want a new exotic car, I like my mini van that's 10 years old and has over 100K miles on it. What I dislike is the inside filth on it and worse...I HATE cleaning insides of windshields. It's angles are shitty and I can't get the corners.
However...when the windscreen is clean? It's like owning a NEW vehicle for me.
So there ya have it.
Hands washed and windshields clean!
Have the day you deserve!
Today's Training:
Bench: 30x2 Not dynamic but keep moving the weight. Very little rest between sets
Push Ups: 200 reps in as few sets as possible
Dips: 200 reps
Curls of any sort: 100 reps
Bike Commute: 21 minutes