I have received several emails from gym owners since posting Do your gym ethics suck? It seems there were many things I forgot or didn't know about. Below is a letter from one owner that asked me to post it as a guest blog. - Dave Tate
I have so many I could write a book on this but here are a few brief points...
Federations - OMG!
Nobody f’n cares which federation you lift in or if you step on the platform at all. Your federation is not the only federation and certainly not the best federation for every lifter so stop trash talking other federations. Find the federation that fits with your methodology and leave everyone else the hell alone. Your Holy Grail is another's Hell and by all means your shit stinks just the same as the rest. My issue is that I have to listen to all your shit!!! 90% of you are not even good enough to rank in the top 10 of ANY federation so why do you even care. Not to mention, have any of you really looked at where the money goes that these federations make?? Two in particular I know for a fact make a shit load off money off YOU and offer nothing in return. You sing their praises and they pack your money in the bank. You question every expense we make at the gym and always want more, more, more but never once ask where the hell all you Holy Federation money is going.
Let's talk Programming?
First, you understand programming is a science, right? It's not slapping together some sets and reps. That's called designing a training plan.
Your programming is shit so stop trying to shove it onto everyone else. Maybe it works for you or maybe your just got scammed for 300 bucks for a canned program that a third-grader could have written but it’s your program. You have no idea what the goals and history of someone else are. You have been in the sport less than 3 years and competed once but push your program on everyone in the gym. Do you understand that the guy who is working behind the counter will help you for free? It's part of your membership! Do you know that guy competed for 15 years and won national titles? Do you know he can scrap out a program on a napkin that is better than the shit you tapped out on an excel sheet? If your program is that good then why do you SUCK? Oh, because your best guy is ranked #5 at the college. You do understand there are all-time world record holders who are younger than the dude you sing praises about. Yes, your guy is good but far from being great.
Can we talk chalk?
Want to know why a lot of gyms today have banned chalk use in their gym? Look at what a f’n mess you make with it. You coat the bar and don’t bother to clean it off when you’re done. This not only leaves your nasty germs all over the bar, but will make the bar rust faster. Have you ever tried to deadlift with a bar that someone coated with chalk and didn’t bother to clean off? You can’t even feel the knurling so how is that going to help you grip the bar? Bench- how can you leave chalk marks from your shirt and ass all over a bench and not even bother to clean it off? Chalk is a tool to help you lift better and safer. I believe in chalk and will always support it’s use but like any other tool, f’n learn how to use it to your benefit. Excessive chalk doesn’t make you a better lifter it makes you neurotic. But if you insist on completely coating the knurling, clean that shit off when you are done with one of the many wire brushes we provide.
Do not use chalk to make hash marks on mats, platforms, weights (plates) and, yes, I’ve even seen hash marks on the side of the cage uprights or even totals written on the bench. If you can’t count, use something like the stacks of poker chips we keep in the gym for that very purpose or a small white board which we also make available.
Baby powder is slippery – duh – that’s why you use it – right. If you dump it all over the floor, someone is going to slip and fall. Again, clean your mess up or ask someone on staff to help you.
Lastly, to most in my gym: When you chalk your back you're supposed to chalk where the bar goes. You're not supposed to chalk up where a low bar squat would go and then proceed to do a high bar squat. Do you know how dumb you look?
What about all your shit?
When you get to the gym, don’t drop your bag the proceed to scatter your shit all over the floor right in people’s path or even worse, blocking equipment. The space in between the cable crossover is NOT the place to dump your gear. People wishing to use equipment shouldn’t have to ask you to move your shit or stand around and wait for you to move it. Benches are not put there to hold your shaker bottles, McDonald’s bag of crap food, or even your smelly lifting shoes. Keep your stuff together, in your bag and out of the way of equipment.
This is a gym for adults, not an elementary school playground.
Inappropriate behavior doesn’t belong in any serious gym. It’s distracting to the lifters and puts a bad light on the gym.
What's up with moving shit around?
There is probably a reason for the location of items in the gym.
Do not take it upon yourself to rearrange the gym. There may be a very good reason things are in a specific location, i.e. the floor cleaner needs to be able to move between and around equipment. If you think something might have a better location, ask. Otherwise put stuff back where you found it. You are not going to get a better bicep pump by dragging the 0-90 Incline bench all the way across the gym to the cable machine to do chest support cable curls.
The music, REALLY??!!
Do not change the gym music without asking. Do you honestly think playing IRON MAN is going to get you that PR? If you were really head strong it wouldn't matter what you played. When you go to your meet do you hand the meet director your first attempt song? Just leave the music alone, the constant changing is worse then someone who can't stay on the same TV channel for more than 30 seconds. If our music sucks so bad just put your BEATS on that you had thumping when you walked in.

Just shut the hell up!
If you don’t have something nice to say or can’t be constructive, keep your damn mouth shut and your focus on your workouts. Bullies don’t belong in the gym. There is nothing wrong with gym talk and busting balls but you guys are assholes. You think you are better than you really are, make fun of those weaker than you, and do nothing to help other lifters in the gym.
If you really pay attention when Pro Lifter Ron walks in, you all change. You know why- because he's better than you, competes more than you, and is stronger than you so while he's around you have no issue shutting up. That is until he leaves and you begin saying all his gains are due to steroids. You know, the same shit you're all using. You do know, he knows what you say and he also can't stand your ass. Remember when he used to train with his partner when you all did? You see how he's coming in later and on different days? You wonder why that is? It's your dumb asses, you fucking around, taking videos, and being little brats.
Please stop acting like you want our gym to be all about the serious lifters when YOU are the reason we can't keep them here.
I don't have to post my name as you know who I am. You know how I know you know. If you had to stop and think about any of this than I am your gym owner. My issues are the same as so many others and you may not think we talk to each other but we do, and you know what we talk about?
Thanks Dave,
Frustrated Gym Owner