Freaking freezing!!! It was about 40 F in the gym and I was doggone nearly dying!!!! I have no idea how you guys make it at 0 F. I guess you wonder how I make it at 160 F in the Summer though...
Farmers Walk
235's x 50'
Best part was this was a timed PR for me and I'm almost the same speed with 235's as I am with 55's!
Super Yoke
warm up weights only here, showing speed progress
Atlas Stones (planned deload)
All from 10ft away
165, 185, 190, 230 lbs
245 x 1
265 x felt my LEFT bicep pop!
Tons of massage...
265 x 1 to 62 inches, hurting
Giant Dbell
3 sets of 5 strict with empty dbell (right arm only)
506 x 5, hookgrip (PR but 135 x 5 would have been a 5 rep PR)
Axle Deficit Deadlift
warming up it hurt
dropped 485 because of my bicep/lat
Time to rehab like crazy for a couple weeks!
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