Back in June, I posted my blog CAN YOU PASS THIS SIMPLE FITNESS TEST which basically said your mile time has a direct correlation with your heart health. Since recovering from my surgery I started off with an untrained 9:15 which I plan on improving.
As I perilously spin around the sun, I am increasingly interested in continuing to do so. In other words, I want to live longer. However, I do not only want to live longer, but I also want to live better. As a result, I have put a lot more conditioning into my strength and conditioning program.
So today my man Stephen Toby messaged me on Facebook with a new little test I could take. He told me he got it from Dr. Spener Nadolsky's FB page. He seems like a pretty cool Dr with no-nonsense advice on fitness and weight loss who I will now be following. Anyway, it was a study posted up on the JAMA Network on Push-up Exercise Capacity and Future Cardiovascular Events in Active Adult Men.
The findings basically said there is a significant reduction in cardiovascular incidents in men who can do 40 push-ups. Much like the mile run, this seems to be a pretty effective way to measure your fitness and heart health. Both are easy to measure and cost you nothing. Pretty cool.
Now I know a lot of you who read blogs here at EliteFTS are very exercise oriented, so the push-up thing might not be that hard for you. How about your mile time though? Either way, I know I have a pretty good following that is not the usual heavy lifters and I thought this would be a fun challenge for them as well.
So how many push-ups could I do? I tried it earlier and called it quits at 70. I had a few more in me, but I have a tendency to overdo things and then have to pay for them for another week or so. Hey, it was well over the 40 so I was pleased. Looks like I'll be adding the push-up test to my monthly mile test.
Now drop and give me 40!