Just another one of those wonderful days that my head is actually void of thought. Really...if you put your ear up next to mine you can hear the ocean.
Today's Training:
Tier I:
Run: 4 miles
DB Row: 25 thru 75 lbs doing 8 reps per arm
Lat Pulldown using a "sling shot" to add resistance at the end of each rep. 50 thru 130 lbs doing 8 reps per set
Chin ups: 200 reps
Dips: 200 reps
Prowler: 10x40 yards x 50 lbs
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Tier II
Rear Hyvk Slide: 4x15
super set w/
Mt, Dog Rows: 4x8
Single leg Dead lift: 4x10x 18 lb kettle bell in a single hand
super set w/
Dips: 4x10
Fire Hydrants: 4x25
super set w/
Chin ups: 4x5
Banded Sideways walk (abduction walk) 100 reps in each direction