I’m bringing you Another Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed, this time from 2020. And lie I said before, I am doing this for two reasons. One, I am SWAMPED with the TPS move and another business venture. And two, because I feel that there is a lot of high quality information in them.  I wanted to get a fresh and exciting video up on some cool stuff, but it didn’t work out that way.

I am hoping to carve out time this week to shoot new video for next week’s log.

But, in the meantime, please read and enjoy Another Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed From 2020.

In no particular order they are:

The Biggest Question You’re Not Asking, But Should Be.

Sometimes It’s So Obvious, You Miss It.

5 Second Fix: The Single Most Important Thing You Will Learn About Lifting Weights

Old Man Conjugate: More of What You Can, Less of What You Can’t

** How to Do the Hatfield Squat**

And, in 2020 I had a LOT of time to write, so here are a few more honorable mention Articles You Might Have Missed From 2020.

How Often Should You Switch Exercises?

One Thing I’ve Learned in 2020

Change of Plans: I took a second and did something different.

I’ll get a log up with information on the TPS move soon too.

We will be accepting help in the move. If you live local and are inclined, let me know.

Did you miss last week’s log?

Top 5 Articles You Might Have Missed, 2021, C.J. Murphy, fat loss; murphwatchers, old man conjugate, best way to lose body fat, snickers and whiskey diet;

Read it here.



Vincere vel mori

C.J. Murphy

July 18, 2024

Total Performance Sports