For online coaching, consults or on-site clinics on the Conjugate Method and proper strength training for your athletes please email nateharvey2600@gmail.com
Please see Aquatic Bulls - Phase 1 for programming notes, considerations for this population and exercise variation!
On many of the logs you will notice we increase accessory volume every week. With this group and their needs we were making a greater effort to increase weight each week on their accessories. This is largely due to the amount of swimming they do. They are already in great shape. Learning to push more weight is going to benefit them more than just piling more work on them.
1. Dynamic warm up on pool deck as a group
2. fire hydrants/ knee circles - 30 each
3. TKE - 30 each
4. Shoulder cleans - 30
5. Jump rope - 2 feet/ lateral hop/ Ali shuffle - 1minute each, no rest/ 1:20 each
6. Knee Jumps - 3x3/ 5x3
7. High pull - 3x3/ 5x3, increase weight if applicable (sport coach's request. these will progress to hang cleans over the next 3 weeks. We will build technique and volume before actually catching the bar)
8. Speed bench vs micro bands - 6x3@ 40%/ 8x3@ 40% - women used half a band. If this day fell right before a speed upper day on Tuesday they would tell me when they came in Tuesday and we would substitute out the speed bench for something else. Typically bamboo bar bench. Something light to promote recovery.
9. Single leg reverse hyper - 3x20/ 4x 20
10. Thompson hips - 3x20, no rest/ no change, these are tough
11. Roll out abs - 3x10/ 4x10
12. banded hip and shoulder mobility
DAY 1:
1.fire hydrant - 50
1. Seated Box Jump- 6x5
2. medium stance safety bar squat - 3rm
3.bulg split squat - 3x6
4.single leg Back Ext - 4x10
5.GHR- 3x10
6. single leg sit ups - 4x15, one leg up
7. weighted knee raise - 3x20
8. Inverted Row- 3x10, hold at top, 3 second ecc
foam roll/ mobility bands
1. lateral raise x 50 and scap push-up x 50
2. seated jump to overhead slam - 8x3
3. incline bench 6rm
5. NG pull up - 4x6- slow ecc
4. roll out abs - 4x10
5. Shrug- 4x15 - 1-3-3 tempo
6. Chest Supp. T Raise- 4x30 - thumbs in 1-2-3 tempo
7.band on rack obliques - 4x25
8. dead hangs 2x 30 sec
1. fire hydrants x 50
2. knee circles x 20/direction
3. rev lunge x10
2. SSB speed squat 8x2 @50%- bands PAIR WITH wgtd box jump 3 reps
- free squat with bands - 3x3
3. hang clean- 5x3
4. hanging abs w/w 4x 25
banded leg curl- 3x30, up one band
6. reverse hyper - 4x20
7. row on back ext. - 3x12
8. band hip mobility
1. lying ext rotation 50 total
3. speed bench - 6x3@40% - bands PAIR WITH overhead med ball slam 3 reps
4. DB floor press 3x20
5. DB pull over - 4x8
4.shoulder clean - 4x20
5. Single arm shoulder press - 3x12
6. biceps and triceps - 3x12
7.side plank for reps - 4x20
At this point in the training, the veterans are alternating their squat stance on max effort days each phase. This is so they become strong at all angles/ positions. If you let them dictate the stance, all they will work on is what they are comfortable at and they will not improve on their weaknesses. You'll also see that the dynamic lower day matches the max effort day bar and accommodating resistance. This is something I picked up from Donnie Thompson and it really seemed to help everyone's training.
For the free squats on the dynamic lower days we simply took the box away, moved their feet into a medium stance and reduced the weight about 20% and worked from there. If it was real easy we moved it up but this was a good starting point for most. They hated these but we got good feedback from our indicator athletes, so we kept using them.
Less than 300lb squat - mini bands
315-405lb squat - light bands
Above 405- average bands