If you are done with being insecure and doubting what and who you are, then it is time for you to step up and BE fucking amazing.
And THAT is what it is! A decision. Not some long drawn out over thinking everything conclusion...a decision and make it NOW!
During this "dynamic" phase of training, it is important to recognize the weakness in each of the main lifts. Focus on the technique to improve our over all strength once we get back to the tonnage.
The example I used for speed today was this cue...
I had one of the more athletic kids in my program stand in front of a 12" box. I then told him to jump up onto the box...SLOWLY!
He hesitated, got aligned, hesitated and looked at me and said..."You can't do that!" EXACTLY, was my response. ...and don't press it slow either!
Today's Training:
A. Work up to last weeks 10 rep weight and then add 5 more pounds.
Example: Last week 5x10 @90 use 95 pounds for... 12 sets of 2
A.1: Reps sets...with the same weight do 3 sets of 10 reps
AirDyne Bike: 20 minutes steady
Medium width Lat Pulldown: 3x10
DB Curls: 3x10
Narrow Width or Bench wide Push ups: 3x10