Recent comps:
Nov 5, 2016 NPC Midwest Gladiator Chicago - Women's Physique
Sept 24, 2016 NPC Indianapolis Grand Prix - Women's Physique
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. Read back at previous training logs to see what my off-season contained to prep for both PL and physique. May - September we coined #creatingamonster to bring a bigger package to the stage. With physique comps done for 2016, we will transition back to strength work in preparation for the Arnold.
Nothing crazy this week. Deload. In fact, I made sure not to push my accessories to failure (I have a tendency to do that since dabbling in bodybuilding). Kept accessories to about a 7/10 this week as I could tell my body needed it.
Today was just kind of an off day. Nothing terrible, but just didn't feel as smooth.
A. Squat
After warmups
200x1@7 singles
B. Deadlifts deficit 2"
C. Leg press 4x20
D. Hamstring curls
E. Leg extensions
F. Abs 10mins
Felt good. Like Monday, just didn't feel as light as it should. Thankful it was deload week
A. Bench press
135 paused 3x3
B. Close grip 95 5x5
C1. Laterals 4x15
C2. Rope upright rows 4x12
D1. Machine dips
D2. Rear pec deck
E. slingshot push-ups x100
A. Narrow stance squats 4x8 @ 155
B. Leg press 4x25
C. Stiff DB deads 3x15
D1. Chest supported row 5x10
D2. Banded pullaparts 5x25
E. Lat pulldowns
F. Shrugs
A. DB bench press 4x15 neutral grip
B. Pull-ups 5x5
C1. Laterals 3x15
C2. Cable front raise 3x10
C3. Cable shrugs 3x12
D1. Supinated hammer pulldown
D2. Push-ups
D3. Face pull
E. banded pushdowns x200
Double arm ropes x100
Alt ropes x100
Planks x30 secs when rest
Birddogs x20