Squat depth is something that was "a thing" the very first week I was inside of a gym and it is still a doggone thing thirty years later. Depth on the squat is something that will be debated about by the cockroaches one day I do believe.
It may come as a shock to you, but I fully support ATG Squats no matter who you are. I do them, my son does them, my wife does them. If you are a super duper multi-ply Powerlifter, you should do them. If you are a beat up old worn down Strongman, you should do them. If you are a raw lifter, you should be doing them but timing is key to these things. You can't hit that kind of depth all year round and expect your body to recovery properly. Set out a few months of the year and at least warm up on them if not hit a solid session per week, even if it is light.