Nobody likes to put in the grunt work on hard exercises. Atlas Stones ESPECIALLY! Go through all of your training, all of your training partners...
How many of them have done a long term rep program knocking out 25 reps in a session? How many started with 50-60% of their stone Training Max and did a patient, building, 5 x 5 with it to a tall platform?
Probably none! Nobody likes doing that. Everyone likes to just walk in and load whatever they feel good loading that day and then walk away saying "Yeah, that one got away, I'll be back." Or "Felt good today, been feeling strong lately!". Nobody says "Yeah, the 300 reps that I've done over the last 10 weeks has really made the difference...
Except me. And guess who is making huge strides in progress with their Atlas Stones?
5 sets of 5 to a decent height with a 190 lb Atlas Stone...Week 1.