Some may feel attitude is all about positive thinking and motivation. While this is true to some degree, motivation and positive thinking are both temporary, while mentality should be a part of who you are. Attitude is a clear indication of who you really are and who you want to be. If you are not where you’d like to be—or at least on your way—then the first place to look is the attitude.
This also doesn’t mean you have to walk around being happy - go - lucky asshole or present yourself as someone that has the 24/7 #goodlife. Nor, do you have to be the person that tries to bring the light of every unfortunate situation you have to everyone online.
What this means is knowing that no matter the situation it will all be ok in the end. That simple.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that YOU choose your attitude in response to any given situation. Regardless of what someone has done to you, you decide how to react to it.
Pic: #notfatdave