Every day you are given a choice from what menu you are going to order from. Menu A is a Positive mental attitude choice or Menu B is a Negative stink'n think'n choice.
Attitude! YOUR attitude is the only thing that you really have control over.
You've heard, "its not what happens but how you react"? It's true.
How you react to any situation determines the outcome for YOU!
Am I "up" all the time? Nope. I was down once and didn't like it down there. The air stinks down there. I chose instead to find something that will move me closer to the daily objective instead of getting on line at the complaint department.
How can you do this?
Start your day with a Positive Mental Attitude read. FROM A BOOK!
I do that right after I PRAY! Yea...you can choose not to believe in God or a god...but I do and I make sure I am right with my creator.
Next, I stir the blood with my run! Man o man...do I enjoy the mornings. It wakes me up, gets me ready for the onslaught of sleepy people that breech my gym door at 0500.
I can't get them up and at 'em if I'm still sawing wood and winking 20 more times, that's for certain.
Help at least ONE person each day!
Laugh! It's ok to let your face know that you are happy, so smile! Then give that shit away. Make someone else smile. I get to laughing no less than 12 per day. MINIMUM requirement at Casa de Selkow.
Learn something NEW!
Attitude, not amplitude will determine your altitude. Good attitude=higher altitude always!
Today's training:
Run: 5 K (me only)
Dynamic Box Squat: 12x2@55%
12" Box Jump: 5x5
jump up as high as you can onto a 12 inch box.
as soon as you land jump as high as you can back down to the ground
Don't stay on the ground too long...as soon as you can leap back up!!!! 5 times
Single Alternating Leg Box Jump: 5x5
One foot up on the box. Blast up and catch your other foot on the box as you decelerate, Switch again. Go fast but extend fully the leg that has the foot UP on the box
GHR: 5x10
AirDyne Bike Legs Only 15 minutes