As a Strength and Conditioning coach I have found often that I am the Segway between Coaching Staff and Athlete.
Seems the unique position is one that WANTS the athlete to succeed beyond everyone's expectations and the Coaches that want to put the BEST players on the Field, Court or Ice.
I've been in this position with Professional athletes and now find myself once again in the familiar spot with my son's "Squirt" hockey team.
Background story:
After the Monday and Thursday practices on ice, I run "Dry Land" training. Most of the people have NO IDEA who I am or what my resume looks like. I'm NOT THAT GUY!
My son requested that I do it...the head coach agreed after I had my background checked...and BOOM! I'm it.
The Dry Land training begins normally 15 minutes after the kids get off the ice, change, and hustle out to the PARKING LOT.
I set up at the same time they are leaving, only to find my son and another REALLY GOOD kid, RACING out to be first ones there.
Last night, there was an awkward delay. I waited, and waited, and stood staring at my Prowlers set up, and two lanes with cones.
Then...my son comes walking out with his head low. Not the normal push and shove with his teammate to be first. Then his teammate comes out, with the same posture and demeanor.
The REST of the team follows.
Understand, I am the HARD GUY. "Gunnery Sgt. Hartman" from Full Metal Jacket. But something was awry. None of the kid's candles were lit.
I asked..."What happened? Why is everyone so late? Did someone sit on your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
Hunter (my son) tells me..."We got yelled at. Coach was angry with the way we practiced"
With the skill coaches in ear shot, I went about doing the "mend job".
Here is what I tell them:
"Boys, embrace the yelling! Here's why, as coaches we see you fellas where you should be, not where you are. We holler and yell simply to get the most out of you. You have "Potential". Do you know what potential is? It's UNUSED TALENT! We want you USE the talent and forget potential.
Be more fearful of the coaches when they don't yell at you anymore. Then you have a real problem. They don't think you have anything left to give. Done! Used UP!"
You could hear a pin drop. Both skill coaches AND athletes.
"There are no bad athletes here. You wouldn't have been chosen to play on this team if you sucked. Now it's up to the coaches to figure out what STYLE of learning each of you are.
You can be:
Auditory, which means you only need to be told what to do and how to do it.
Visual, which means you need to SEE the task or a picture needs to be drawn for you in your mind in order to complete the objective
You are tactile, which you need to have your left foot in, your left foot out, your left foot in and shaken all about.." They started to lighten up and actually a few got the reference and Hoakie Poakied.
The got it! Both Coaches AND Players.
The nods of agreement let me know.
My son's smile returned, and I KNEW we could open the can of whoop ass on the dry land training.
"15 minutes running time, 15 Prowler pushes....and ....GO!"
2 Board Press to a HEAVY three reps.
reduce the weight by 15% and do two more sets of 8 reps
Single Arm Cross Body Tricep Extension:
3x8 as a warm up
3x8x heavier working sets
Snatch Grip Shrugs: 5x5
Snatch Grip High Pull: 5x5
Shoulder Press: 5x5
Kettle Bell Inverted Snatch: 5x3