Dave Tate and Sheena Leedham will be live tomorrow at 11 a.m. EST on Wednesday, April 10th. They'll be discussing autism from a parent's and physical educator's point of view.
As we approach tomorrow's Table Talk Podcast, we wanted to create a landing page for some of the topics we'll be discussing, along with some supplemental material we'll be referencing.
Topics Relating to Exercise
- Creating the Schedule
- Five Gray Areas You're Not Considering
- The Power of Observation
- Don't Sweat the New Stuff
- Relative Aggression
- Off-Site Training
- Throw Out Your Expectations
- 12-Week Program to Conquer the Monkey Bars
- Reintroducing the Jump Rope
- 8 Training Types to Progressively Integrate Social Networks
- Skip the Gym — Create Training Space Indoors and Outdoors
- What's Right About 'Rain Man'
- The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation
Topics Relating to Parenting
- The Diagnosis
- Special Education in the Public School System (and the monster)
- Special Education Meathead
- They Are NOT Angry Birds
- You Are the Parent
- The Fight for Funding
- Holidays
- Normalcy
Supplemental Material (CLICK ON IMAGE FOR EBOOK)
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #5 - Sheena Leedham - Autism Awareness
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