I am pretty excited I can bench with dumbbells again, the procedure was a success so I will have some worthwhile sessions to post 🙂
If you are following keep in mind, this is a guy who is in his mid 30's and business is my priority over training aka my clients so time is money so many things I do may not be optimal for strength
For the immediate I will be training whole body 3 times a week, I prefer split routines but this makes the most sense now given allotted time to train . Since I have not been lifting hard won't need the good ol 20+ set sessions per body part
Here is yesterday
Neck lateral flexion-6,6,6,15
Dumbbell Bench Press--4 sets 30 seconds focusing on full ROM, not rep count, control down deep stretch, forcefully push up
Superset with 1 wide grip pull up and 3 neutral grip chins
Glute ham raise 5,5,5
8 minutes of arm occlusion training
Will shadow box later this evening.
Clients have been reaching new levels, life is good!