If you've known me the last couple of years, I've had some serious back issues. I'm still waiting for an X-Ray and MRI but from all best guesses it would be a herniation around the L4-L5 and a fracture in the L1-T12 area. I haven't been able to feel the majority of my right foot in months as well as a lot of pain through my hamstrings, knees, hips, and a few spots that I can't stand to be touched on my spine...
Physiotherapy has helped and I ice several times per day. I've also started some new meds and therapy exercises that have paid off in dividends recently and I'm finally making some headroom.
Squats do not hurt because I can keep my spine locked in with my erectors but I can not go from a rounded forward position to a straight position much less a full extension up even with body weight. Till recently.
My box squat is coming along and I'm loving the CANVAS suit!
The sumo box squats are huge but pulling 710 at the top with bands is more than I've had in my hands in over 18 months I believe.
On Sunday I did miss a deadlift that was 745 at the top and even though a miss is horrible...I missed, I fought it, nothing ripped off, and I wasn't in pain afterwards!
All great signs, so I just have to be patient and keep things moving slowly and safely. I make progress over long periods of time...no rushes...just be patient!
So here we go...
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