I've made no mystery about my plans to come back and compete in Strongman ONE DAY as a Masters. I'm currently 38 and this past year has taught me that I AM NOT READY to come back. I'm strong but all of my "connecting pieces" are very weak. I've realized that my success in Strongman wasn't a 12 week program or a 6 month or even a 1 year program but it was 10 and 15 years into the making...that I've broken off from.
So I have to start from SOMEWHERE!
Farmers Walk
145 lbs each x 50 ft x 4 set
195s x 50 ft x 2 sets
Super Yoke
350 x 50 ft
440 x 50 ft
530 x 50 ft
630 x 50 ft (felt slower than Christmas)
Scoop Press (190 lbs)
3 sets of 1 press
1 set of 2 presses
Atlas Stones
165 lbs to 56 inches
185 lbs
190 lbs
230 lbs
(I was pretty scared on these)
Squat in Briefs
516 x 1 x 2 sets
Deadlifs (in briefs)
506 x 1
596 x 1 (began cramping through my chest and lats)
611 x dropped, serious left cramp so I let go fast
1 set of 6 each with bodyweight
This is my start and my programming will be changing...you won't want to miss my progress.