It's been a long time since I've gotten away from "regular" training. Of course after I do a meet, I try to steer clear of barbell work but it never fails that I get back to it pretty quickly. And usually after a meet I get the urge to get back to more athletic things, like sprints, jumps and more movement based activities. With two kids who play sports, I never want to lose the ability to do those things WITH them.
The warm-up is based off of warm-ups I've used with some of my past adult conditioning classes and athletic classes.
*Stationary movements
*Dynamic athletic movements
*Ground based activation movements
The warm-up alone takes about 10-15 minutes. We wanted to include basic things, but also allow our bodies to move in all 3 planes as well (frontal, saggital and transverse).
Then we move to the workout portion. We have 2 days of basic lifting and 2 days of more conditioning type work. Here's what transpired.
Upper body lift
DB Incline 3x12
Blast strap rows 4x10
Face pulls 4x15
Triceps 4x15
Curls 3x10
Single arm kneeling banded chest press 4x15
T-pushups 3x8
We had a group of 10-12 going as the whole team was in early to train together. We split up into groups and supersetted some things along the way to keep everyone moving and working. Took me back to my days of training college athletes and organizing everyone to be efficient. I quite liked it. 🙂
Jump rope series - 6 minutes
Hurricane -
Round 1
Treadmill sprint x15 sec
Divebomb pushups
Stability ball knee tucks
REPEAT 3 times
Round 2
Treadmill sprint x15 sec
TRX rows
Stability ball pikes
REPEAT 3 times
The Hurricane type workouts are something I got from Martin Rooney. I've known Martin for years and as he designed this style of training over the year for Parisi, he furthered it more into Training For Warriors. I went through Martin's certification course and needless to say Martin has been a big influence on many areas of my career. So thank you Martin for making our powerlifting team work!
Lower body lift
Box jumps
GHR 4x12
Goblet squat 4x20
Supermans 4x20
Single leg RDL 4x12
Pull throughs 3x12
Plank holds on GHR - 10 sec on 5 off, 10 times
This was a good day as well. We tri-setted the first 3 movements and then the last 3 movements. Hammies got WERKED!
Jump rope series - 6 minutes
Round 1
Prowler x20 sec
Chest supported rows
Round 2
Manual treadmill sprint x20 sec
Russian Twist
So, we had a big group again with the team training together, so we split everyone up. We also decided to make it a little harder by using the prowler and manually pushing the treadmill.
Christian and I had 3 others in our group doing Round 1, while 6 other folks did Round 2. After a 5 minute rest we flip-flopped.
THAT. WAS. TOUGH. The prowler itself made it extra rough and the weighted chest supported rows just added to it. We had a couple casualties that puked and some that were very close. And while that is never our intention, we knew it would be tough for some due to the intensity of this day. Plus, the team is a bunch of real hard workers and everyone gives their all, so it's good to see them pushing.
To make one of these Hurricane workouts more difficult, use weighted exercises after the sprint. Easier version is to use bodyweight/core exercises that aren't as metabolically demanding.
Needless to say it was a good week. I'm sore, but in good places and all the major aches are slowly starting to settled down. We will hit this for another couple weeks, so stay tuned on how we change it and who on the team makes it through.