Arguably, where I live are some of the worst drivers in the world. Often, I am amazed at the collective ability of some to make bad decisions.
For the most part, I tend to stay away from driving, if I can. I ride my bike to avoid the roadway, save gas ($3.85/gal still) and to get a bit more O2 uptake.
We are a bike friendly area, with a ton of bike paths and bike lanes. Occasionally, those bike lanes cross over a road and we have to co-exsist with the automobile and the bad pilots behind the helm.
Today my number was called. You see, it's not a matter IF, but more WHEN you are going to have a bad experience.
As I was crossing one of the main fairs I had to avoid a car that was simply "Yielding" to, instead of STOPPING for. In doing so, she literally ran me into the curb, where my front tire got pinned causing me to "front handle bar" it.
Luckily for me, I still have enough athleticism to be able to pull this move off rather gracefully. With minimum down time on the pavement, I rolled back up to my feet and while still maintaining the straddle of my bike, I was quick to return to my home commute.
Two issues:
1. The lady was in such a hurry, she didn't even stop to ask if I was OK.
2. After checking my facilities, my low back tightened up to the point that it's sort of hard to breath or sit.
Really, what I'm hoping for, is that the back tightness is from the
5 rep Max Good mornings we did today
along with 2 sets of 8 reps followed by as many reps as possible on the GHR
and 100 back extensions.
Yea, I'm going with that it was all the posterior chain exercise we did this morning, more so than getting jacked by a car driven by Mrs. Li from San Francisco, California. NO, those of us that actually live here do NOT call it Cali either.
The cool thing that I really like is that Day Care is never an issue with my participants. You see, if now one is there to watch them, they just settle in right here in the gym.
My son would take naps on the floor while my Hockey players would thunder their Dead Lifts.
Today, Harriet (not her real name, but it's the one I call all newborn females) took her rightful place among the bags and barbells.
In my opinion??? This will lead those of this generation to the next great experience in a gym. They'll never want to leave.