I was sitting on a bench between sets thinking about what the gym was doing and how it was flowing this morning.
Everyone was working and no one was waiting or sitting around wondering what they had to do. Shit was getting DONE.
Mind you, I don't have any New Year's resolution people. I don't take anyone new until March time frame. What I noticed about my groups were that they were adhering to the program and really making significant gains over last year at this time.
People lost fat, got better conditioned and increased their strength significantly without injuries of sort.
I then took a step back and viewed the training log. Where did it fall short? What could I do to make it more efficient? Who could be doing better?
That's when I noticed the Main Lift selections
Overhead Press
Pull up/Chin up
Each lift has it's accessory work for building up weakness which in part makes a person stronger on it's own, and...each of those have the supplemental work to build muscle or hypertrophy.
Then..there is my conditioning element and the stretches that come after.
What I jumped out at me was the SIMPLICITY of it. Look again:
Squat...Push exercise
Deadlift...Pull exercise
Bench....Push exercise
Overhead press...Push
Pull up/Chin up...Pull
Each added to a week long schedule to cover it all.
Only thing to add...ironically I did today is some sort of lower leg work as in plantar/dorsi flexion of the foot. Calf work!!!
Today we did:
C/S Row
Lat Pulldown
Lateral Raise
Pull a parts
Curls II
Calf Raise