I was very specific with the use of the word "Battling." For the past couple of months I have been dealing with tendinitis. Unlike mosts injuries, rest was not the answer.
Most injuries do require an amount of rest, at least that's been my experience. Frontload rest, then rehab, and you'll usually come out on the better side of things.
I have been pussy footing around my elbow tendinits for months. I have been avoiding pain at every step. Recently I stopped using my left hand to even pick up a glass to avoid any sign of pain. That's how I have to treat my back so why not my elbow.
This week I posted a video using wrist cuffs for pushdowns instead of holding a bar because of my elbow pain. Someone recommended to check out Mark Rippetoe's pullulp protocol for tendinitis.
To keep it simple, if you can do around ten sets of pullups you should do sets of triples with one minute rest in between. Start with 10 sets and over a few weeks work up to 20. I think you are supposed to do this about every five days. My plan is twice a week.
I would imagine if you can't do 10 pullups you can start with 1-2 reps or use a band. It's not my program, but that's what I would do if I couldn't do 10 pullups.
The point Rip made in his awesome grumpy voice was, you cannot avoid the pain. The same thing that caused the tendinitis is basically the same medicine that is needed to fix it.
Being no stranger to training though pain, I figured why not. Well I'll be damned. The first couple of sets sucked, but very quickly I noticed the pain subsiding.
I'm one of those dolts who can't help but look for pain. You know, if you move a certain affected area you know you can trigger the pain. I was doing that with my eblow between sets and the pain was vanishing.
Well hells bells I love training and smashing through pain. I was all the more excited that I remembered a billion years ago monster bench presser Ryan Kennelly had told me to do crazy heavy reverse wrist curls to ward of the tendinits pain from shirted benching.
So I finished off my session with very heavy reverse wrist curls and guess what, yeah you already know the answer, my tendinitis pain is almost gone. I guess rest is not the answer for everything.
Got elbow tendinitis, give these ideas a shot.