Talking this morning about what it takes to succeed and who is doing what. I interjected something I wrote a few years ago about the simplest formula and it goes something like this:
To be better than 80% of the population...Show the fuck up! Man o man...people just bail on whatever. They will tell you that they want or will then they simply fail to show up. If you aren't going to do something, own up and say..."I'm not going to do it" But if you commit...Show up!
If you want to add bettering yourself by 10% then show up ON TIME! To be better than 90% of the competition or anyone for that matter, Show up on time, which means be at least FIVE minutes earlier than the scheduled time of arrival. I am more like a 15 minute ahead of schedule type person unless outside influenced.
Show up, on time, DRESSED AND READY TO PLAY will put you ahead by another 5% . Now you have squashed 95% by doing so.
Dressed means be in the "Uniform of the Day" whatever that might be. Make sure that it's clean, pressed and presentable. I'm not talking about a named designer, but have clean pressed clothes that fit the need of the activity you are planning on undertaking.
Ready to play means you will be fully engaged no matter what. Doesn't matter if you self inflicted a wound by staying up or out too late the night before. It doesn't matter that you have "urgent" matters that seem to take precedence over the important one. Doesn't matter if it seems more interesting or fun over the task that must be accomplished.
Know the material or the subject of the important things. Learn as much as you can, and continue to evolve while in the process.
Then the last 5% is based on your talent and discipline.
Show up, on time, dressed and ready to play
Tier I Training:
Run: 5K first time in a week that April came out with me to participate in the early morning jaunt. She KICKED my ass. Leads me to think she should take more weeks off.
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x185 If the weight doesn't sound off at terminal extension, its too heavy. These FLEW up
OHP:10x3 same thing
DB Lateral Raise: 60 reps at 25 lbs
Shrugs: 60 reps @ 315
Tricep DEATH: Narrow grip bench press with the shoulder saver pad
As many reps as you can at 195 drop to 145 for as many reps drop to 95 for as many reps, drop to bar only for as many reps. Double digits in each or you aren't pushing hard enough.
Side Extensions over the 45 degree back: 60 reps each side
Concept II Row: 15 minutes
Bike Commute: 22 minutes
Tier II
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x bar only
Ab Wheel: 60 reps
GHR: 60 reps
Hip Extension: 60 reps
Air Dyne w/ band: 15 minutes
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