I realize that people general don't tell the truth. Not like they mean to blatantly lie to me, but more as a way of convincing themselves they don't really have what it takes to meet a goal. It's as if they tell you what they want but leave themselves an excuse for failing.
For example, I put a photograph of my wife April's back while she was doing pull ups on Social Media. If you haven't seen the picture, she's SHREDDED! A human anatomy chart. More than one person had commented about how they would like to look like "that".
Understanding what it took to have such a great physique from an exercise and nutritional stand is no secret. Shelby Starnes has directed countless people to stage shape, as well as John Meadows and Fred Duncan. All have had their participants lose fat while adding muscle from doing the proper diet and exercises.
The difference between those that have and those that don't is the individual's self DISCIPLINE.
There is no way in hell, knowing exactly what my wife does that the people who tell me they are following what directives I've given them are doing the same.
They TELL me they are. They TELL me how they have given up poor management of their calories. They TELL me they don't do this or that, but how the EF do they NOT share the same result? Simple! The aren't DOING what they SAY they are. They are living a LIE!
168 hours to the week. I see them maybe 5 hours out of it. That gives them 163 hours to conjure up any story they'd like for their failure.
I have always been the type of person that when another person fails at a goal and we are suppose to be working TOGETHER, I take the responsibility for it. Drives me CRAZY to fail.
But when I actually SEE people having cocktail after cocktail, eating shit food at shitty fast food restaurants, then I can now believe that I can take the pressure off myself.
It is a rarity that a person tells me what they want to do, then goes about it and actually does it.
Be Different! Do what you say you want to do.
All four exercises are to be done as heavy as you can without sacrifice to the form
Flex Bar Pull Downs: 5x10
DD Fat Gripz Low Cable Row: 5x10
Weighted Pull Ups: 5x5
BB Curls: 5x5
Pull up totals=1779
Push Up totals=2461
Prowler: 7680 yards