Be different.
I’m 100% confident that this is not the first time you have read this. I can name dozens of people in the strength industry who claim to state to this same suggestion, yet when you look at their marketing and positioning, it is exactly the same thing we have seen dozens of times before. While there is something to be said about following the lead of others who have come before us, this is not the same as using the exact same form, style, and technique. You need to follow what they followed - not do what they did (or are doing). _
There are many ways you can “be different” and separate yourself from the rest of the pack, and since these are very easy to research, I will leave you with a couple to think about. First is to be yourself. It is very hard for someone else to be you. We are all created unique and have different experiences and perspectives. If you embrace this and tie it into your work, there is no doubt it will be unique, stand out, and be different. With this in mind, you want to make sure you are the same across all mediums. Meaning, you are what you think, act and do. There are many people who think they are one thing, act like something else, and do another thing altogether. It is important to bring all these together. This is what will provide you with character and integrity.
We are all created unique but also have different experiences. If all your know is dedicated to training, take some time to study a completely non-related subject. If all your time is spent in the gym, work and home, find time to go to places you would never usually go and do things you have never done. This will provide you with a broader perspective, as well as allow you to see your own business, products, and clients in a different way. Many of the best business ideas I have ever had came to me while reading, watching and doing things that had absolutely nothing to do with elitefts.com or training.
Lastly, don’t just talk about being different… because…, that’s what everyone else does, so it just makes you more like others. You see how this entire post just went full circle and is just more of the same bullshit you read everywhere?
Or, is it?