Today, more than any other one this week, the conversation turned to having SELF respect for the job you do.
I use the weight room to prove points that can be utilized outside of the gym and in a person's life.
I noticed that there was a lack of "Oomph" today in the APPROACH to the bar.
You might ask, what difference does the approach have? Well, the approach is the set up to whether it will be a successful or a failed endeavor. Not just the lift, but to life!
Granted, not everyday will you feel like you can tear the ass end off a charging Rhino, but you certainly ACT as IF!
You may think you're going to get smashed by a weight, and you will, BUT...if you approach the bar as IF you are going to MAKE this attempt enough times, you WILL lift that son of bitch eventually.
I have, on more than ONE occasion (today alone) told the athlete to PUT THE WEIGHT BACK.
I then have them go EYES on mine, while I discuss their APPROACH. Here, they can see MY fire in the eyes. Here, they can HEAR my voice "as IF" they have already successfully completed the lift.
This approach when applied enough times to anything, will turn the "wishbone" into "BACK BONE".
Don't TRY to do something. Try is a weenie word for those who expect to fail! You either do it, or you work towards DOING IT!
Go out and "BE GREAT" was my encouraging words for the day!
YOU TOO...BE GREAT (at whatever it is you do)
Narrow Stance Box Squat with SSB Yoke Bar: Work up to a heavy THREE reps. BEAT LAST WEEK'S Number.
I like to hide a pair of 10's on the inside at the start of the lift, during warm ups. But those dimes on, and forget about them. EVERYONE improves by 20 pounds minimum.
GHR: 3x8; 1x20
Knees to Elbows from Suspension Straps: 3x15 MAN! I need to take the suspension straps home and launder them. Talk about smelling like EVERYONE that has ever used them's arm pit...
45 degree Back Extension: 100 reps in as few sets as possible.
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