Growing up, my Grandfather would take me fishing often. He would say, "Sit down here and cast out. I'll be around the corner over there. I'll check on you in a little while and we'll have lunch."
Off he would go and I would bait my line, cast it out, reel it in, cast it out, reel it in, cast it out, reel it in until it was time to go...heck with eating lunch.
This went on for about four years in a row. I got really proficient at casting and could land a lure into a tight spot quite some distance too.
My Grandfather would have a bunch of fish to carry home, clean and eat, while I had nothing. Nada....ZILCH.
Then one particular day I cast my line out and then left it alone. I pulled my ball cap down over my eyebrows, and drifted off into a nice morning nap. Just as I could feel the drool roll off my chin, I could also feel my Grandfather's foot nudging me awake.
I looked up at him and he said, "C'mon over here with me where there are fish." As I stood up some what confused, he then explained that there were no fish in that particular pond.
For FOUR years I have been fishing in a non stocked pond?
He answered with just a "Yup". I asked hime WHY?
He said that I didn't have the patience to fish next to him in a pond with an abundance of fish to be caught. I needed to learn the lesson of "PATIENCE".
The day I waited with a well cast line was the day he knew that I learned a lesson that no one and no other way could be learned.
EVERYTHING will come to you at the right moment...BE PATIENT.
Today's Training:
Concept II Row: 20 minutes
Dynamic Dead Lift:
Men add 25 lbs more than last week's
Women add 15 lbs more than last week's
Dead Lift for reps: 5x10 w/ the same weight as last week's four sets
C/S Row: 5x10 @ same weight as last week
Reverse Hyper: 5x10@ same weight as last week
Bike Commute: 20 minutes