General James Mattis has been quoted saying, "Be polite. Be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone in the room"
Although media has made this a point of humor to the general population, I have given it deep thought and application in all of my settings.
I spoke about having dignity and staying humbly quiet where matters don't concern me, my family or my teams the application of being polite and professional fall directly in line and will always be appreciated.
Your confidence is heighten by having a plan to KILL everyone in the room, JUST IN CASE things go south.
Hopefully we will never have to apply the last suggestion, but just in case...JUST IN CASE...think through your exit plan and watch what happens to you as you carry yourself throughout the day!
Teams Training:
Bench: 10x13
OHP: 10x13
DB Fly: 10x13
DB Lateral Raise: 10x13
AirDyne: (Arms Only) 8 minutes