I went from a team sports background and preparing for them, to an endurance athlete in the mid 1980s thru 2000. On my way home from the third Ironman, I was waiting for some friends at a place of libations, when I got "moved out of the way" (I weighed a romp'n 165 lbs). I said, "HEY, I used to be a "Big Guy"...and then thought, F this...I headed back into the gym and started to POUND the irons so that getting "moved" would never happen again.
You plate heads just finding your stride??? There is no denying WHO the fuck we are. Yes, Swim, Bike, and Run, but don't pretend. If you're going to do something, go ALL in!
"We're all going to end up in the same place one day, so you might as well go on YOUR terms"