I remember as a kid my parents telling me to do something. When (or IF) I asked, "why?" they never went into detail. They would say, "Because I said so..."
It worked more often than not because I didn't want to endure the response that would follow had I NOT.
What does this story have to do with training? Well, maybe nothing and maybe everything.
For the past 54 years, I would go on "Blind Faith" and do things in my training because someone recommended it. If it worked or if I got the desired results AND when I looked it up and found that the Science and/or the research backed it up, I was doubly psyched.
However, I have rarely done things based solely on "Science or Research". I am one that had to find out for myself.
Granted, you do live life through experiences. Either someone else's or your own, and often when you do it on your own you might have to pay it back in either pain, injury, or money. If you do it through others, then you need to find out who has the fruit on the tree that you desire and follow THEM.
What's the easiest way to cross a minefield? Follow in the footsteps of the person who has made it.
Sometimes those that have made it didn't do too much research, they said, "FUCK IT" and went for it
Anyway, I'm looking at a LOT of stuff that is out here on the interwebz and I've come to the conclusion that there is a large amount of overthinking, over-calculating, under-achieving nonsense that is being spewed by an abundant amount of pencil-neck, needle-dick, rectum wrecking TOADS with a lot of Alphabet letters after their name. (By the way, there is no law saying you can't put them after your own name, So I might call myself Dr.Harry MDPHDHMFIC. After all, I play a doctor and head motherfucker in charge on daytime T.V. in my mind)
What I'm getting at, is who gives a fuck about Zone I or Zone II training and how it should be scheduled. What happened to "I want to go into the gym and put a shit ton of weight on my back and see how fast I can lift it" because it's FUN!
I often kid people about my 4:30 AM training crew. We get more productive work DONE before the sun comes up than most people plan on in their 12-week cycle.
Over the last five decades, I have gotten stronger and faster by mistake and chance than a lot of the Nuevo Huevo Trainers studied for because KICKING ASS is flat out FUN!
In the infamous words of Ed Coan, "There's nothing wrong with being strong" (Ed has made it to the other side of the minefield. I'd follow him.)
I'm in no way saying to train haphazardly. But, I won't stand around having the paralysis of analysis when there is some heart-popping conditioning or, muscle-building strength-gaining to be had.
Get a hankering for something to improve.
If you suck at it, do twice as much of it.
If you're good at it, do THREE times as much for the fun of it. Then do one more of the sucky things.
Whatever you do, have some fun with it and stop overthinking everything.
Simpler is betterer.
Today's Training:
I wasn't going to train today, but when I finished my weekly (not weakly) chores that I neglected around my house during the week, I said..."FUCK IT" and stop taking the daily "OFF BEAST-MODE" pill that I need so I don't offend or hurt anyone and had a BLAST!
GHR: 5x12
Dynamic Squat: Pause on the LOW box with the blue squishy topper (two inches below parallel) for a three count and BLAST it up: 10x2 Use the SSB Yoke Bar.
Box Jump: 10x2 20-inch box