Because you’re my friend…(and those that know me can attest to this)...
"When you are sad,………….I will get you drunk and help you plot
revenge against the scum sucking
bastard/bitch who made you sad.
When you are scared,……… I will laugh at you and tease you about
it every chance I get.
When you are worried,………I will tell you how much worse it could
be and to quit complaining.
When you are confused,……..I will use little words to explain it to
your dumb ass.
When you are sick………I will hold your hair while you pay homage to
the porcelain God.
When you fall……I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
This is my oath……………I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?…………..Because you’re my friend."
Today's Training:
Pull Ups: 120 reps
Dips: 320 reps
Combat Chassis Circuit:
1. Suspended Knees to Elbow
2. Ab Wheel Roll Out:
3. Windshield Wipers
4. McGill Sit Up
1-4 done as fast as you can with NO breaks- 5 sets of 12 reps each
BB Curl: 5x12
DB Curl: 5x12
Hammer Curl: 5x12
Tri Rope Push Down: 5x12
Reverse Grip Tri Push Down: 5x12
Supine DB Tri Ext: 5x12