Yeah, I know...I haven't posted in a while. Things are going well, just been busy. Like everyone else, I have work, my family, and my stuff.
Work: We are growing at a very rapid pace which keeps me on my toes. I'm putting in a lot of hours. I have a very understanding CEO. So, I am in the office from 8-5. I finish up at night from home. My night hours very, but have there have been a lot of them recently. But, I love what I do and the people I work with. Just hoping it somewhat calms down soon.
Family: Chris is doing great. He made the honor roll again. He's playing basketball again and I'm helping to coach the team again. He also wants to do his first junior shooting contest next month, so we have been going to the range a lot. Overall, he is doing great.
My Stuff: I've been doing my walking and McGill stuff consistently. I feel good physically. Shooting season is heating up. I'm doing fairly well and I'm in a good place in the season's point standings. This time of year the matches can become a battle of overcoming the environment. It was 97 degrees yesterday and very humid. The challenge added is just getting through the heat. But, I'm having a blast.
The Future: Chris can start working out at the Y when he is 12. He turns 12 on May 31st. So, I'll start posting more consistently then. I know some of you have younger kids, so I'll write up what I have Chris doing. Oh, I didn't encourage or discourage him about training. While do demand he be physically active, the choice of activity is his. He is really excited to start doing some resistance training. Right now he is doing about 30 minutes a day of basketball related training and 30 minutes of some type of cardio.
Overall: Life is good and I have no complaints. I have my occasional issues with keeping my nutrition on point, but nothing too bad. I just love to eat :-).