"Stimulate don't annihilate." That's a quote from bodybuilder Lee Haney that I took from Vincent Dizenzo's training log this morning.
I've talked about the acquisition of strength and not the demonstration of it in the gym, especially on Dynamic day. Everyone wants to increase the weight from the percentages, everyone wants to train HARDER. Unfortunately in the true sense of Dynamic exercise, THIS heavier=harder is NOT what the doctor ordered.
I will re focus each person on ONE or TWO things to keep in mind during the session. Number ONE is and always will be the speed by which the bar moves. Since I don't have a tendo unit to SCIENTIFICALLY measure this, I use the rep count and THREE counted seconds (one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three) as my gauge. If you aren't finished with the set in that (actually faster than real time) then there is TOO much weight. I will also focus on ONE weakness that if there is a change, will result in an INCREASE on Max effort day.
I am looking for the STIMULATION of better movement. I am NOT looking for the annexation of it with poor habits.
I have heard (under breath and yes...I have 20/15 site and sonar like hearing) "horses ass" when I have barked orders to DROP the load down to a manageable weight.
I thought about that for quite some time. I don't necessarily think being called a Horses Ass is a bad thing. Consider the horse's hind quarters. Big butt, huge legs and quarters. I mean Pegasus is kind of cool.
I ACTUALLY think that would help my squat to go up!
Matter fact, I think I will use the term "Horses Ass" as a new term of endearment.
Dynamic Squat: Mastodon Bar 12x2x50% (250)
Dead Lift: Hex Trap Bar 12x2x250
GHR: 3x12
Prowler Suicides: 5 cones unidirectional...x 5
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