I have been in and around the sport of Powerlifting at all levels and positions for over 35 years. I’ve seen MANY come and go...
In the last few weeks, we've seen more bitching and crying about the sport than I’ve seen in the past two years. This ranges from the Judging in ALL federations, bad meet directors, and personally calling people out for having a personal opinion on any of it.
Pretty much the same stupid crap that’s been going on ever since I got into the sport.
Some things I’ve noticed:
The criticism never seems to bother or phase those who are zoned into their passion of the sport. Some trolls might think it does, but that’s only because they caught the ones who really are not that locked into their training and competing objectives.
In short, the others are too busy to give a shit or realized they don’t need the distractions. Their own goals matter more.
I look at those who are doing all the bitching today and it reminds me of all of those who were doing it a few years ago, and those a few years before them, and then those a few years before them.
Where are all of them now? No, not the ones of today, but the ones from 3, 6, 9, 12 years ago?
I’ll tell you:
They are nowhere to be found.
I’m not saying to avoid it all; pay attention, but realize that most of it is distracting junk. You may be able to use some of it to better live up to your own standards and expectations.
Are you living up to them now? If so - great. If not, the BS can remind you that you might be a bit off in one direction or another.
If you find yourself really caught up, your first expectation should be staying mindful of what really matters and what doesn’t.
Remember, the sport is 99% raw now because the majority of lifters wanted it. It’s not like you don’t have control. You have far more than you think, and every year more and more of the best meet directors seriously consider going unsanctioned.
I think in 2020 people will be shocked at the number of high quality unsanctioned meets.