Last Monday I threw on an old Ace shirt that I haven't been able to fit into in years. It was a pretty good day.
My body weight is steadily creeping down, bottoming out at 193 that week, so I wasn't exactly expecting anything big. I had planned on it being a board day, but decided to go full range about halfway through. Here's how it went:
Worked raw up to 315, then put the shirt on at 405 to a 3 board.
495 - 2 board
585 - 1 board
635 - touch
The 635 actually felt press good, but I was a little to far up on the bench and it got caught under the j-hook preventing me from locking out my left arm. Still, this was way better than expected under the circumstances.
Finished with a 2 board at 675 for some overload work.
I dont do a whole lot of assistance work after I work heavy in my shirt, so I did a few sets of close grip pulldowns and some modified triceps pushdowns on with the platform for the assisted chin-up machine.
Good times!