Cut a 24” piece of foam roller then cut it in half so it’s in the shape of a half circle. Then stuff it under your shirt so you’re jot a needy diva in the gym with your training partners ‘holding your foam’!While you’re benching try to push you stomach up through the foam roller to meet the bar. Let the bar sink into the foam roller on the eccentric. This is not a board or Spoto press. The roller is cushioning the most vulnerable portion of the press. This may seem minimal but over the long term there is a huge relief on the shoulders. This was a constant in my training when my bench was at its strongest and shoulders felt the best. I put it in every speed day and all full ROM bench days. I also got good feedback from my over head athletes when we implemented this. Go watch @elitefts video on YouTube ‘So You Think You Can Bench’ and make sure you’re benching correctly and add this in to help your shoulders and bench numbers!