Relentless Detroit proved to be a decent meet, but in all reality, it was a tune-up meet for Relentless Minnesota. I just spent the last 7-8 weeks really pushing some of my raw work on all 3 lifts. Strategically working on some weak points, both muscularly and technically. Getting back in my gear mid-January and will be placing that in according to the calendar to have enough skill work in the gear before the meet. My plan is to compete at Relentless Minnesota March 28th in the 123# weight class. Questions about my training, diet, coaching, clients, etc... I will always answer! Just send a question in!
Our 3rd Deadlift for Hope event took place on Saturday. Had a great turnout of 32 lifters and over $1200 raised from that event alone! We are so grateful to all who came out to support! We love seeing the gym packed with people kind-hearted, generous and STRONG people!
Had a husband and wife take home the biggest male and female deadlift of the day... Gage Abrahams with 665 and Becca with 390. TONS of PR's were hit and it was an all around good day.
Had lots of folks stay to bench with us afterwards. It makes for a good shirt day. Akron and Purdue Barbell members stuck around as well. Definitely nice to see some young kids getting after it.
Bench - shirt work
warm-ups to 165 raw
Added Catapult and did 195x2 and 225x1
305x1 a sloppy one (video)
335x miss twice
That's all we did Saturday, so Sunday we went back and did some accessory work with the Akron Barbell crew
Tricep Death
Chest, 1, 2, 3, and 4 board
135x3 reps at each, went up to 155, but only got to the 3 board before failing
2, 3, 4, and 5 board
155x3 reps at each, 10 reps on last board - 2 sets like this
Prisoner Pulldowns
superset with
DB Seated Power Cleans
1 set down the rack
Band Pushdowns
100 reps
Of course we went and smashed some pancakes afterwards. Well, tried to... I had 2, which was the perfect amount (my weekly cheat meal). Mario was disappointing as he barely made a dent in his giant apple pancake. Matt did well and basically finished his.