If you’re like most, there’s a gap between your intentions and your actions. You know what you need to do to get what you want, but have difficulty in following through. Want to get in shape? Eat less, move more. Want to make more money? Leverage your time and focus on income producing activities. Sounds pretty simple when I put it like that, but simple does not mean easy.
A few years ago, my nephew, Dan LaSusa was explaining the virtues of taking a cold shower. I mean turn that sucker on and jump in type cold shower. Don't let it heat up, take a breath to get psyched and then turn it "cool".
This became a way to develop self-discipline and increase my energy, mood, and focus.
I realized the power of rising early without the use of an alarm many years ago. One day, I just trusted my own instincts and told myself to get up and get going. Don't lay there in bed wanting an "extra ten minutes" No snooze button on the internal time clock. Besides that is a horrible way to enter a day. Bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz fuck that!
Self-discipline is the ability to do what needs to be done regardless of whether you feel like it or not. Getting out of bed even though you don’t feel like it, sets the momentum towards taking right action despite what your emotions tell you.
It’s the same with taking a cold shower. When you enter your shower and think about turning the knob to cold only, you will hear the same voice trying to talk you out of it. But when you turn the knob anyway, you have effectively overcome that part of yourself and are letting your mind know who’s in charge. Then, later on in the day, when that voice tries to talk you into skipping a workout or slacking in some other way, IE diet, time management, you are less likely to listen.
Freedom is impossible without self- discipline,
A a cold shower is the best way I’ve found to practice willpower, develop my discipline, and learn to associate pleasure with doing the hard things in life.
But it doesn't mean it doesn't...right? Who knows?
Cold water is cheap and nobody owns the rights to it, there is no financial incentive to drive research. So....do a Google search for “cold shower benefits” it will refer countless testimonials from people who’ve experienced profound transformation by implementing cold showers as a regular part of their life.
Go ahead...google that shit.
Go ahead...give that cold shower a whirl too. Man the fuck up and have some heart. Might be the toughest thing you accomplish.
and Throw out that damn alarm clock!!!
I've been using an app called gentle wake-up to wake up to a more "natural" sound of birds chirping -- but I still end up hitting snooze need to place the phone out of reach to get the full benefit!!