Today I slept in until 0430. Dark and cool out, I decided to reinstitute my distance running. No, not for the exercise so much, but for the head clearing sense of being in control.
As I ventured out into the morning darkness, I began my run with no light either natural, form street lights, nor flashlight on my own person. I felt to be in the moment it was better to control the five feet that surrounded me in any direction.
Hmmm, all the what if's? I conduct myself in a manner that doesn't frighten easily. Not that I'm a bad ass, but that I have a sense of awareness at all times. Even when I let go and get into the Zen of the moment, I still have that awareness which gives me control.
I know that in any moment, if something changes, I can adjust to it in those five feet. I have no control outside of what I can see. Since it was dark, my line of site was about five feet, and I have pretty GREAT night vision.
All this processing allowed me to run for a while (have no idea of the time) and almost effortlessly. It also gave me the idea to share the "Be in Control of your surrounding five feet" with everyone that reads this.
Lastly, I went for the run (for no particular reason) and that made me think of the movie "Forrest Gump" who PROVES that it is far better to be lucky than smart.
Now time to pull weeds and tend to my garden!
Rut-roh...is there something subliminal there as well???
Be nice to someone today!