So most people who know me know that I am very competitive. I have been this way all my life. Powerlifting was always about winning and being the best I can be. Although I know winning is not everything, for me, winning in powerlifting was the only thing. Breaking records and going were no man has gone before. After having hip replacement surgery I had thoughts run through my mind of being just another beat up old ass powerlifter. Well that won't work for me. I may be old and maybe just a little beat up, but I have a few things to prove to myself after this surgery. Most of my friends like Dave Tate know I want to pull 800 again. Dave has even told me in so many words that I need to be getting ready to hang this shit up. lol You see, I know he is right. But I have trouble facing the inevitable.
When it comes I will deal with it. For now, that is on hold for just a bit. The powerlifting reaper can kiss my ass. I'm not ready to give it up. Powerlifting is about more than going to competitions competing on the platform. I did that for a better part of my life. I still go through the same shit powerlifters do. I ask how was my depth after every set. Haha, not really but enough. Knowing all the time I'm high as F...! You can't do a set of squats in powerlifting without being judged. It's normal. Anyway, I'm really not sure when I will step back on the platform but I will. But if you happen to see that reaper and he asks you about Steve Goggins, you tell him he might have a fight on his hands, because I will return to pulling 800 again and squatting it, too. One word. BELIEVE!
Light deficit deads from Wednesday
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