The gym (or sport for that matter) is a microcosm of life. In other words everything you can encounter in any particular day is also exposed to a smaller degree within the gym.
Today was no different than any other day. I wake up and get to choose which side of the menu I am going to choose from.
Menu A means I'm going to be patient, kind, encouraging. I usually will pick this one because on Menu B...I'm a sarcastic A$$hole, that has no time for namby pamby whiney chick fillets. But I am still encouraging, only with my foot up someone's butt.
The medication seems to work, so I stick with the "A" menu as of the last 10 years.
What this allows me to do is practice what I call the "Count to 10 Checklist" before answering questions.
Granted, I get paid to answer the questions, but some days the redundancies reach a level that test the dosage of the meds.
So, I give off an air of thoughtfulness and not ripping someone's head off, I look into the eyes of the person asking (most often the same question for the 100,000 time) and count to 10. But not just to count. More like a check list and it does serve to better me and how I deal with the innocent by stander.
1. How am I feeling right now?
2. Does this question really need an answer?
3. Tolerance levels of me and the participant
4. Time involved for this dialog
5. Short answer which will be funny
6. Long answer which will be educational
7. Where in the workout is the person?
8. Who else is waiting?
9. Have I finished what I was previously doing?
10. WALK IN THE PERSON'S SHOES that is asking the ???
Now get this, #10 is paramount. Although I don't wear shoes, how is that person going to be affected by not only my answer, but HOW I answer it?
The goal is to have fun and leave everyone with a sense of accomplishment, being a part of the TEAM, and feeling accepted regardless of anything!
What is the OUTCOME I am trying for.
If all else fails, just looking a person in the eye and counting to yourself to 10 can kick back a few of these, you'll be in better shape in terms of relationship.
Because..(ooo, this gives me a subject for tomorrow) The success of your program isn't depended on how much you know, how much equipment you have, how nice the locker rooms are. The success of your program is how you make people FEEL and whether or not they can identify and confide with you
"No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care". ~ Great quote!!!!
Suspended Knee Ups to elbow: 2x18
BOSU Sit ups: These aren't done with spinal flexion. Butt at the top of the dome and the head goes to the floor with hands behind the head. The elbows are back behind the ears and the first move, is hips into the dome and contract until the spine is parallel to the floor. NO MORE! 2x18
Wood Chops: Medium band and blast strap handle. 2x18 per side
4 way Neck: 3x15x3.0
Pull Ups: 10x3 with hands as wide as you can get them. Pulling down hard on the pinky finger
Chest Supported Row: On the EliteFTS C/S. The lever arm is about 1000 ft. long making this a real biotch. 10x3x100 or rib crushing as you can stand weight.
"Swimmers" (too hard to describe, so you just have to come to my gym) 2x30
Cable Tricep Push down: 6x6 with all the weight
Supine Tri Ext w/ 36 lbs kettle bells: 6x6
X body Single Arm DB Tri Ext. 5x20x25
BB Curl: 6x6x135
Hammer Curl: 6x6x55
Concentration Curl: 5x20x25