I turned 58 years old yesterday. I've been giving this a LOT of thought and have processed much of my life's work and where it is that I need to go.
I've earned a National Championship ring and a World Championship ring.
I've hit PR's that I've set for myself and missed more through vicious injury.
I've helped countless people reach their goals.
With so many EXPERTS now entering the Strength and Conditioning Community there is NOT a lot of room for us old War Horses.
After lengthy discussions with my wife and attorney it is with a Heavy hand and weight on my back that I am going NO WHERE because someone needs to be the voice of REASON for all you Mother Efers. Someone who will take the age excuse away from your long lists of why nots, if-a's, should-a's and could-a's. Someone to tell you yea, and IF my Aunt had BALLS, she'd be my Uncle.
So get use to the fact that I am just another year closer to my goal of LIVING for freak'n EVER!
Know this, except for a very small percentage...I will ALWAYS be older than YOU!
Suspended Knee Ups/ BOSU Parallel Situp/ 45 degree back side flex as a giant set: 4x12
Pull ups: 50
C/S Row: 50x90 lbs
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x 35-28-18
Cable Drop Set Tri Extension: 3x12x 120-100-80
DB Curl Drop set: 3x8x25-20-15
Supine DB Tri Extension: 3x12x25-20-15
Cable Zig Zag Bar Curl: 4x8x80
Pull up totals=233
Push Up totals=434
Prowler: 0
Happy Birthday Harry
You're welcome.