Today's Training:
Tell a Therapist, or at least a friend, NOT Facebook or other social media sources.
-Pin Press from 4" above your chest
-Work up to a heavy 6 reps but leave some in the tank
Rep Bench: 3x10
Men use five pounds more than last week
Women stay the same
AirDyne Bike: 22 minutes
Suspended Blast Strap Row: 3x10
DB Lateral Raise: 3x10
Pick an Ab Exercise: 2 sets until it cramps
Pick a Bicep Exercise: 2 sets until it pumps
Pic a Tricep Exercise: 2 sets until it pumps
Bike Commute: Easy 20 minutes
Sprint I : 10x 10 yards @50%
Sprint II: 4x200 yards @75%