Done as a Super Set:
Incline Bench
Flat Bench
Both: 11x11x80 No rest!
Cable Fly: 6x22x25
4 way neck: 1x25x5.0
Face Pull: 4x15x40
Shrug: 4x8x475
Shoulder "Crank": 4x10x10
The Crank is a tight shoulder press, turn of the hands palms out, then a slow eccentric from the overhead position to the holsters
Run: 1.3 miles painfully slow. I'd rather whoop a 6:00 minute mile and be done with it. But the loop behind my house was too inviting NOT to run slow and jump low with NO ONE out.
Oh yea, I forgot to mention, ALL this was done before 6:00 AM.
Christmas Tree is up, now searching why a light line doesn't work. Outside lights are up, waiting for dark to see if they all work.
Hunter is playing Black Ops and killing his cousin, and no one is doing jack crap to decorate. Let's see how long this goes before I need to say something.
All done before 8:30 AM
Also, 2 - 0 at the Silver Stick tournament. Game 3 today at 2:30.
The commute is AWFUL! Traffic in California sucks! It sucks worse when everyone has no particular place to be except Grandma's house and the shopping malls.