As of recent I am reading about how many coaches aren't going to "put up with" or "waste their time doing..." and how they only want the "110% committed" because they only want the best and only train the best to be the best.
OH REALLY? Easy does it there Scooter, you haven't been around long enough to dictate such tomfoolery. Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?
It' true. You waste 80% of your time for the 20% improvements
80% of everything you do, gives that 20% result
20% of the participants will do what the other 80% won't
80% of the people won't be with you very long where the 20% you can't even hide from.
The thing is??? It doesn't matter what the discipline is, the 80/20 rule is pretty close to accurate.
So, by you berating a participant for what they can't do, you should focus 80% of your effort on the 20% they CAN do.
Here's the thing...people like doing what they are capable of doing and will avoid like the Corona Virus the things they can't. NOW, if you make them do the those things that they think they are incapable of doing 20% of the time by giving them proper "lead ups" you are building up their weakness, thus making them overall STRONGER!
As they get better (and subsequently stronger) they enjoy these things that were impeding their development. Soon they want to do these things 80% of the time and now that gives them only a 20% improvement where as it use to yield the 80% improvement with a 20% adherence to the exercise or program...Still with me?
Example, I have a fella who is "Hard as FUCK core" I'll call him big Mike, because that's his name.
Bike Mike is as hard a man as they come. Chiseled jaw, Drill Instructor voice, hard as a brick. NOTHING about him says he plays with doll while wearing penny loafers.
Mike is a pretty strong fella in certain movements but has the flexibility of a steel girder.
Mike resisted my recommendations of mobility and flexibility work so he could get to the main course stuff. I genteelly urged Big Mike to "get on the foam fucking roller and roll the pain and tears away" Barking loudly at each other (all the while with a knowing smile) Big Mike succumbed to my upheaval.
Mike started to feel better about his static hips and he actually moved the last few days with a bit more predator ease.
I did NOT berate him, or treat him like a dick. I kept my non stop nagging up to the point we both would laugh and slap backs and today, Big Mike punched out a super aggressive four rep Good Morning that moved with ease.
He gave me that knowing grin and fist bump in agreement.
Here's the thing...I KNOW MIKE! I didn't kick him out for the things he couldn't do, nor wouldn't do. I coaxed him in a Macho manner (that he likes) and he kicked ASS! Simple
Yes, I have asked people to leave my gym. They were either sick or injured or were going to get hurt by trying anything more.
I have learned with time that it's OK to trade in an AirDyne assignment for wanting to do the Peloton'.
The 50-60 rep range can be sacrificed for doing a few sprints.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape!
Today's Training:
Bike: 20 min.
Good Mornings: 4 RM
GHR: 60 reps
Reverse Hyper
Ab Wheel
OHP: 5x10
DBLR: 5x10
Shrug: 100 reps
Bike: 20 min