It's been going on 2+ months of constant sciatic pain for me. I have exhausted every technique in my bag o tricks that has worked for me in the past when it would rear it's ugly head, but nothing seems to be working this time.
Call it a "cosmic connection" or by chance, I was Christmas shopping for some books on Saturday on line. As I perused the titles of some classics for my son, I happen to read "for sciatic pain relief" out of the corner of my eye and LOCKED ON!
I click the icon and poof, I am sent to a book of Meridian stretching and accupressure designed by some old Samurai Warrior from the year of my birth, some couple hundred years ago. Mind you, I am not a hocus-pocus, black magic mixed with voodoo kind of guy. So I read the reviews and it seems like something I should learn and know.
I purchase the book and it has a next day delivery. Mind you, I haven't run a step in the same time the pain has developed and all I want to do is run some sprints and run them SOON!
I get the delivery and rip the envelop right off. I go right to the section on "Sciatica" and read the intro. It has a nice concise blurb that gets to the point. I like that!!! Then it has a bunch of stretches that this old dude is performing and it explains how to breath and get into each.
Well HOLY BUCKETS! I had no idea that my flexibility was that of a steel girder and I could actually be used for replacement parts on the Golden Gate Bridge. I do the best I can to do what I can. As I pant and strain to obtain some sort of contortion that I am definitely not use to, my head looks like a plum and I am gasping for air.
The first session took me the better part of 30 minutes as I read, then applied, struggled, caught my breath and read some more.
BUT! Immediately following the session, I felt sciatica relief and...(this is a big...no HUGE AND..) My should pain also subsided from the arthritis I have in it.
I check my reading and LOW AND BEHOLD...I did too much! I actually went over from the "Sciatic" section into...ready for this???...The "ARTHRITIS" section. Hmmmm...
I applied the same principals two more times TODAY!
I am here to tell you, this is no magic...this is practical application of some traditional stretches that I NEVER make time for and guess what? YOU better make time for ALL the aspects of Strength AND Conditioning which also includes, mobility/flexibility work.
Trust when I tell you, if you DON'T when you get to my age, you won't be in the sport anymore. (Which sport is that, you may ask? ANY sport is my response.)
Lifting heavy weight is always FUN
Being able to chase down a cheetah or last longer than a little tiny marathon runner is FUN.
NOT having a Dad Body, is smart and more healthy than being a Cheeto Eat'n, Dr. Pepper Drink'n fat body
But you need to be flexible to be mobile, so you can add that to the speed and strength to be agile and that is so you CAN be HOSTILE!
Yep...need to address EVERYTHING!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 25 mins.
Meridian Stretches: 10 minutes
Hex Bar Dead Lifts: 2 RM; PRE=9
Single Leg Hip Extension: 4x12
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10
Hyvk Truck 4 o'clock to 8 o'clock pendulums: 3x10
Banded Side walk: 4x25
Meridian Stretches: 10 minutes
Bike Commute: 28 minutes
AirDyne: 22 minutes
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