Sometimes I swear I have body dysmorphic issues but then I think about it more and know that I don't. What happens is the body changes so quickly sometimes that you can't help but go, "damn, that sucks, I felt so much tighter a few days ago". It is worse when you can't put your finger on why it is that your body changed.
I had this problem last week where I referred to myself as "Fatty McFat Fat". I was just bloated and distended for some reason I couldn't put my finger on. I come into this last weekend and load harder than I have in a while, making it a point to get more carbs than I have in a few weeks and what happens? Fat boy gets tighter because fat boy was really "flat boy" and needed to fill out. I also put the SCGS compound back in. Say what? Yeah, I haven't been discussing the compound lately so I figured an update was in order.
Sometimes with all I have on my plate I forget things. In this case I have somehow forgot to mention that when my weight was stagnant and holding at 220 for about 4 weeks or so, I was not using the SCGS compound and I also cut out the carnitine dosing daily, as well. I am not pushing to get leaner right now so I don't use things that promote fat loss if I am not leaning down. I do this because I want those same things to work the best they can when I come back to them again when I want to get lean.
I did not use the SCGS compound on the big burger weekend when I dropped those 2 pounds because I didn't want to use it with such a high intake of fat and a relatively low intake of carbs. I won't use it unless my Skiploads are quite high in carbs. It wouldn't make much sense, really.
However, I did put it back in this last weekend as I went back to a higher carb intake for the Skipload and filled out considerably. It was quite dramatic and I was tighter in only one day. Nevermind that when I use the SCGS compound I only hold about 25% of the subq water the following day or two after the Skipload. Basically, the SCGS compound makes the process of loading glycogen ridiculously efficient. And as much as I am tighter and fuller this week I am also baselined at 218 as of today. So, it COULD happen that I get below baseline by this weekend (quite likely) and end up leaner again, by accident. Not exactly a bad thing. I will go back to using the SCGS compound every Skipload now.
My legs are the strongest they have been since having the bulk of my lower back problems. This is huge for me because not only can I train them with more confidence, of course, but they are BLOWING up when I train them and I love the fact that they are growing again - though slightly - when they haven't for quite a few years now. The feeling of squatting and the feeling of having heavier weights on my shoulders is awesome.
A quick update for the TRTbodybuilding:Longevity2 DVD:
I am about halfway through the filming right now for all of the chapters and banging out a chapter or two every week. I am very pleased with the progress and cannot wait for this to be finished and go live. There is a TON of information about anything and everything that the 35-55 age demographic would need. Plus some cool stuff and fun footage, as well.
I only trained 3 days this week so I didn't double up any body parts due to the long weekend. I ended up taking off Labor Day and spending it with my family and a friend from high school that I hadn't seen in almost 16 years. By next week I will be back to my usual schedule of 4 days a week.
I hope you have a great weekend!