Hitting a Dynamic Day with the weight off the back we chose Box Jumps.
Work up to a max height of ONE jump. Here's the thing, you get to a height that you THINK..."ummm I'm not sure about this..." STOP! Don't even attempt it this week. Walk away happy knowing that you didn't eat it. Yet, the other side of you says..."Puss! You could have made it" DON'T!! Let it go...today.
Proud Dad moment...Hunter jumped 30". THAT was huge even for some of the adults in my program. The top of the box was above his stomach and closer to his pec line.
Now understand...I am the FIRST to say this is NOT a vertical jump. It's a BOX jump and it includes flexing at the hips. But I want to establish a beginning height. For 9 years old...that 30" is pretty impressive.
Then Push the Prowler for 8x40 yards with 100 lbs
I had two guys in my group of three that don't have an "off" switch.
So our pace was ridiculous and at BREAK NECK. The interval for rest was hardly adequate. Lung clearing, hocker expectorating, tachycardia pace. It was glorious!!!
GHR: 100 reps
Pull up totals=4054
Push Up totals=5381
Dip Totals-7383
Prowler Totals: 19,160 yards