Go ahead. Take a big deep breath. Let it out. All of it! Now breath in again... let it out. ONE MORE!!! Good. Let's analyze this for a second. Did your chest rise up? Did you breath in and out through your nostrils? While you are reading this...look to the left and then to the right...was THAT hard and not full range?
Most everyone will answer, "YES" to if not all the questions, but the majority of them.
I'm into the DVD's that Douglas Heel has put together and that J.L. Holdsworth is holding a Certification in "Be-Activated", and timing is EVERYTHING!
I have a STRONG women in my program that came in with 15% lung capacity after rushing to her Doctor for "shortness of breath" symptoms.
Turns out her asthma is kicking on all cylinders.
The first thing the Doctor did was prescribe TWO medications. I'm glad that the meds have temporarily made her feel better and that she was able to gain more capacity, BUT...they never addressed the CAUSES and the "HOW TO'S" that is the FIRST thing Douglas addresses in his lessons.
He says..."you can go 40 days without food. 10 days without water. Try going FIVE minutes without breathing".
Any Martial Arts masters or Yoga folk will invest the proper amount of time teaching their students how to BREATH.
The issue I find in my programs is that when a person walks through my door the clock is ticking.
I need to make the women look like Yessica Martinez with Meana Franco strength. (Meana is a doll too as Yessica is strong) For the fellas, If they Deadlifting like Steve Goggins, Squatting like Marshall Johnson and Benching like Vinny all while looking like Casey or Alexander...then I SUCK MONKEY BALLS!
I have in the past attempted (and mind you...ATTEMPTED) teaching the BREATHING thing, but like I said...the clock is TICKING.
With the ability to Diaphragm breath proper posture. The two are hand in hand.
Which brings me to THIS POINT! I am going to write the recommendation for this MOST important aspect NOW, so I can refer ALL my future participants to do at home as either "Extra or First Strike" work
Without further delay....
1. Lay down on the floor on your back
2. Make sure you have established a rather sexy double chin. So head is in the neutral position and you are resting the bone (Occipital) on the floor, which gives you automatically a nice chin.
If your chin is pointing back over your head as if you are trying to see a "Fly Ball" then you are a great candidate for the "Be-Activated" program by Douglas Heel that I am speaking of.
The goal of this position is to align your ears OVER your shoulders.
2. Your shoulders should be directly lined over your hips
3. The Pelvis should be in a neutral position. Not in an anterior tilt (as in squatting) nor in posterior tilt, (like you're getting your ass kicked)
4. Hamstrings resting comfortably on the floor
5. Calfs too
6. Feet will fall slightly out
Put your hand on your belly and the other on your sternum...Breast bone
Breath IN through your nose..."nothing in the chest.. everything into the belly".
Breath OUT through your mouth!
Do 10-30 breaths.
It will have a calming effect so you can concentrate on your upcoming workout while making you slightly dizzy.
"The dizziness is called using Oxygen" ~ Douglas Heel
The cool thing here, is you don't have to worry about passing out. You're already on the floor! ~ Me
Learning to BREATH the way you were intended to breath will have a dumpster amount of health benefits. Seems the proper amount of O2 mixed with ATP is a good thing for performance, So GET THIS DONE NOW!
Saturday's Squat Session
Using the SSB Yoke Bar and a Parallel Box to squat on:
Work up to an 8 rep max going up in this manner:
Equals 18 sets or escalating intensity for 180 reps.
1x10x 1 mini band
1x10x2 mini bands
1x10x1 Medium Band
1x10x1 medium and mini band.