I joke about how everyone gets treated in my gym by me.  I say, I treat everyone the same...terribly.

There is no arguing or negations, the plan is in place and the music stays on whatever I want to hear.

"Coach, this music doesn't motivate me..."  So?  I don't give a damn.  It excite ME, and I excite YOU.

If you have "x" amount of complaints and continually breech Rule #67, you get BOUNCED!  Go Home!!!  Come back when you stop being a bitch!!! (That's for both Men and Women)

Today, my own LOVELY bride was kicked out.  One too many "issues".  So as my friend Chris Jonesy would say..."Over The Wall".  Go HOME.

Here's the key...When I got home, I treat her like the Queen that she is.  I don't mention the incident, or bring it up unless she does.  IF she does, I act as IF I have no idea what she is talking about.

Most couples can't train together or GET trained by the spouse.

I have always been able to wear different hats.

The coach and husband are different people as I have explained with my son that the Coach and DAD are different.

It works for me.

In the gym I am OMNIPOTENT...THE Burning Bush itself.  I know it, and everyone is aligned with that.

Out of the gym, I don't even pretend to know.  I go with my own opinionated flow.

Which brings me to my Social Media comment this morning...(I am an equal opportunity AssHOLE!)

So relax Dudes and Dudettes...I mentioned how having some ink doesn't make a person edgy or tough anymore.  It was at one time a symbol of rebellion, out of the code of decorum.

However, I have witnessed COUNTLESS people that should be spending more time in a gym or spending more money on weapons or martial art lessons, because these folks don't LOOK a bit intimidating or tough as once was the image.

For the record, I have some ink but I choose who sees it.  That's my choice and what I have means something to ME!  I think that MOST people that have tattoos have artwork that MEANS something to THEM as well.  It's special.

But like the Vaping society we are in, it has become Mainstream and not the ora that I once thought it was.

Don't get yourself into a tailspin telling me how you have ink and that you are ....  I don't care!  I'm telling you my observation!

Glad you have an opinion, but it won't change mine!!!

Today's Training:

Speed Dead Lifts: 10x1@60%

Back Extension: 3x12

Pull ups: 10x2 BLAST these from the bottom

C/S Row w/ American Bar: 5x10x135+two sets of chains per side

Knees to Elbow: 3x12

Bike Commute: Mach 2